Monday, September 25, 2006

Woops Again

Haven't blogged in a while again, this weekend was hectic. We had confirmation at our church on Sunday morning. I've already been done, but it was nice seeing other young guys publicly declaring their faith. Sunday evening service was pretty empty, heaps of people didn't turn up, that is, until a load of people from a Pressy church down the road came up, having just returned from a house party or something; anyway it was pretty cool to talk with other Christians from other churches.
Friday at school was insane, what with a two-hour Modern History exam requiring us to write two long essays, and two sligtly(!) shorter essays. As if that is even possible. If exams are supposed to be a way for us to demonstrate our knowledge of the subject, this is not the way to do it...
Anyway, no more exams until thursday, except accompanying two people in their Music pracs tomorrow. Fun, fun, Fun.

Tu es moche
A bientot!

1 comment:

Dave Miers said...

yeah... i think exams are stupid.
i haven't done that many in my life...
i only did like 2or3 at uni... everything else was essay based at home.
i can remember way more from essay's i've written than any exam i've ever sat.