Friday, September 15, 2006


Well, i apologise for my inablity to post recently, but I have been busy. We have yearly exams going for the next two weeks, starting on monday, and i have been trying to get ready. The first two days will be the hardest, with 3 hour english and maths exams, and a drama group-and-monologue exam, which we aren't, as of yet, really ready for. Anyway, most of the posts i make in the next fortnight will probably be me reflecting, and trying to remain sane. Keep reading!



Dave Miers said...

dude... you're the king of french!

Dave Miers said...

new poddy online in a couple of minutes

Nick said...

Thanks..just because I say salut at the end of each post doesnt make me any good.

Oh, i probably should e-mail you, but did you get my kylie entry. Hotmail sent me some message saying it was "delayed"