Monday, August 28, 2006

The Distractions of the Internets

Well, here I am, supposed to be doing core homework (a rant for another time) as well as a modern history research task, on the internet, but failing dismally. It has increasingy become obvious to me that the Internet is where you go if you have nothing to do, as opposed to when you have something you need to do. The "Internet" is full of many distractions, such as MSN, On the Poddy (a shameless piece of viral marketing), Homestar Runner, to name but a few. I have done two lines of work since i started an hour ago. The Internet is completely and utterly useless for research, at least if you have as short an attention span as me.

Wait...blogging is a distraction too!!! (I seriously only just realised that.) So...ahh... parents? Don't listen to kids when they say they're going on the internet to work. IT ISN'T TRUE!!!!!

That is all.

Kudos to Jeremy for telling me to add an 's' to Internet, for added coolness :)


Anonymous said...


Dan said...

keep these posts coming Nick. Looking good.

Nick said...

w00t. Someone apart from Kieran found my blog! Cheers Dan. Spread the word...

Anonymous said...

hey, my comment got deleted...

Nick said...

Yeah, you should be working, not reading my blog...;)