Friday, May 11, 2007

Driving is only getting harder....

Now, you may call me biased just because I'm on my L's, but I think some of these laws that are being brought in in NSW are pretty dumb. The 'enhanced' test, which they'll probably have to dumb down anyway, I can deal with, and I'll probably have to sit it, but the 120 requisite hours is ridculous. I don't think I need to do 120, that being the component that doesnt work retrospectively, but its still a major nuisance for new learners. They are more than doubling the number of hours you have to complete.

In the end, all I think this will do is either deter people from learning to drive in the first place, or worse, prompt people to forge their logs, which are basically unpoliceable anyway, unless you get a licencesed officer to sign off each entry, which would be absolutely ridiculous. If I'm lucky, I won't have to sit the enhanced test if I sit for my P's before July, but that may be pushing it.

Oh yeah. And no mobile phones. At all.


Dave Miers said...

and think of the environment - 120 hours of pointless pollution!

Anonymous said...

What are you really complaining about? 120 days is barely 6 days total,I don't think it is to much to ask considering you have the rest of your life to drive,and if the test is harder so be it, we have enough clowns on the road now that should not have passed in the first place.(no I don't mean you)

Peace and good luck.

Ninja Man said...

Well, I (being cynical and stuff) fail to see if makingpeople do more hours will really help. The people who are going to be morons arelikely to a) forge logs and b) speed more in the sudden freedom of being able to drive alone once they get their P's. The test being harder, again, isn't necessaril going to help. It would be far too easy for people to simply be good for this one off test and then become maniacal speeders. I think the government is simply barking up the wrong tree.

I think there was also talk about lowering the pass mark for the new test anyway, which completely invalidates the point of having a new test in the first place. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

The people who are going to be morons arelikely to a) forge logs and b) speed more in the sudden freedom of being able to drive alone once they get their P's. The test being harder, again, isn't necessaril going to help. It would be far too easy for people to simply be good for this one off test and then become maniacal speeders.

Sad but true. Maybe they should make L platers watch footage of the aftermath of serious road accidents. When I was first learning to drive, the very first time I got behind the wheel I was driving on a road with no lines marked and a bus was coming the other way. My dad simply said "you drive a foot too far to the right and you'll be dead"... it worked. I think people need a healthy fear of driving.

Nick said...

I agree. As part of our PDHPE stuff in year 10, we were all shown documentaries featuring people who'd been in car accidents, or known people who had been in one, which were cause by speeding etc. They do try that sort of stuff.

Again, however, I think if you're dumb enough to be a real hoon, you're dumb enough to go "That won't happen to me." Barring not allowing you to drive at all, or being put in a car accident, there's only so much "fear of driving" you can put in people. But I agree a healthy fear is essential for safe driving

Anonymous said...

is it true that by september you have to do 100 driving lesson before you can book your test?