Thursday, April 05, 2007

Easter...... Creeping Up Slowly

I find it exceptionally interesting how little attention people in general pay to Easter. With Christmas there's all this hype for up to two months before, with plenty of sales and things at store. The realm of presents during Christmas is along the vein of 'anything goes' . Heck, they even have Santa plastered all over Coke bottles!!

With Easter, any 'presents' are limited to chocolate. Store sales are limited to choclate. Everything essentially revolves around chocolate shaped into the vague likeness of eggs or rabbits. Easter just doesn't hold the same place in peoples hearts and minds as Christmas.

If you look at the religous significance of the two days, however, it would seem that Easter should be ranked higher. Sure, the birth of Christ as a human is pretty up there, but his death and resurrection you think would be the most important, it being kinda the reason he came in the first place. I suppose this is just another example of commercialism coming along and ruining everything for everyone.

Have a Good Friday.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007



Well, not quite. I have a drama prac on Thursday that it is impossible to prepare for seeing as we get the topic on the day, but stilll......


(As you can probably tell, I'm really happy!)

Monday, April 02, 2007


Well, we think Tsunami are things that can only happen overseas. It turns out that we could have had one here. After an 8.1 earthquake to the West of the Solomon Islands, and an accompanying tsunami resulted in at least 10 deaths in Gizo, it was feared that we fight get something similar. Thankfully, we only had raises in something like 10 cms, so in the end we weren't in any danger, unlike those guys in the Solomon islands, but it still serves to make us think that maybe we're not immune to this sort of stuff. Whether you think that these tidal waves are a result of global warming or not, perhaps it pays to be careful.

I was just driving down the road...

Learning to drive is such a wonderdull thing. I've been doing really well recently. Haven't stall, haven't hit anything, no kangaroo hopping. nothing. Then, sunday arvo I was driving to church. I went the longer way, and cam up to this nasty intersection where I have to cross to lanes of traffic going one way, then two the other. As i started to move across the two lanes, I stalled. I did this not once, not twice, but three times. Yes three. The car immeadiately was driven by a guy I knew, and they just had a good laugh at my expense, but behind THEM was a p-plater. They were honking and being all round nasty. P-platers, of all people, should know what its like to be a learner. In any case, I know I won't be like when I get my p's. Well, maybe a little.